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When was Riskified founded?

Riskified was founded in 2012.

Where are Riskified’s headquarters located?

Riskified has offices in Israel and New York. Their principal executive office is located at Europe House, Sderot Sha’ul HaMelech 37, Tel Aviv Yafo, Israel. Their New York office address is 220 5th Ave, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10001.

Where is the Company Incorporated?
Riskified is incorporated in the State of Israel.
When did Riskified go public?

Riskified became a publicly traded organization on July 29th, 2021. Riskified’s Class A ordinary shares are publicly available for trading on the NYSE.

What is Riskified’s ticker symbol?


How can I invest in Riskified?

You can buy shares of Riskified stock listed on the NYSE through any licensed brokerage firm. We do not have a direct stock purchase plan.

Can international investors invest in Riskified?

Yes, you can buy shares of Riskified stock listed on the NYSE from anywhere in the world through any licensed brokerage firm, subject to compliance with local securities laws.

What is Riskified’s CUSIP number?

Riskified’s CUSIP number is M8216R109.

I own a small number of Riskified shares that I would like to sell but don’t want to pay high commissions or transaction costs. Does the Company have a share buyback program?

There is no buy-back program in place currently. Small holders wishing to liquidate their holdings at a modest expense should consider selling the shares through one of the low-cost Internet brokerage services.

Who do I contact for information regarding my stockholder account? Who is the transfer agent for Riskified?

Riskified's stock transfer agent is Equiniti Trust Company, LLC (formerly American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC). Shareholders should contact Equiniti with respect to any questions related to shares held in registered name.

When does Riskified’s fiscal year end?

Riskified’s fiscal year is based on the calendar year. The last day of the fiscal year is December 31.

Who is Riskified’s auditor?

Riskified’s independent auditor is Kost, Forer, Gabbay & Kasierer, a member of Ernst & Young Global.

When will you release your next financial results?

A list of all upcoming investor events can be found on our website here.

How can I view documents that Riskified has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 20-F and 6-K?

You can view those in the ‘Financials’ section of Riskified’s Investor Relations website, located here.

What if I have questions that have not been answered?

Contact us here.

Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?

You can view those in either the ‘News’ section, or the ‘Events & Presentations’ section of Riskified’s Investor Relations website, located here. You can also sign up for email alerts on the IR site, located here.